Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The story continues...

Thank you to everyone who has given me their advice and support.  I do appreciate all of it!  It is good to know I am not alone, and there are people that I can go to for advice.

I last left off at the not knowing what to do about Cam, how I go about seeing if he needs help, and where I would even go for that. After about the 3rd or 4th conference with Cameron's teacher, we had tried everything we could think of to reward Cameron for good behavior, and nothing was working. 

Now, when I say "good behavior," I don't mean that he is bad in the sense that he is a bully or a menace, purposely hurting or annoying other kids.  The best way I can describe it is with this example.  Imagine a six year old sitting next to you, he tries to interrupt you a few times, and you ask him hold on a second so you can finish your conversation.  He is trying soooo hard to wait his turn to speak, that he is busting at the seams.  He is squirming, standing up, sitting down, then rubbing his head into your arm, and when you ask him to please stop, he looks up at you like, "what did I do?  I was being quiet like you asked me to."

You can just see it in his eyes that he does not mean to do the things he does (most of the time...he is still a 6 year old boy, and he totally has a guilty look, too!)  A lot of times, you can just say "Cameron" and he realizes he is doing something he shouldn't be, and immediately stops.  His teacher (who, by the way, is probably the best Kindergarten teacher in the world - so patient, understanding, and only wants the best for Cameron) says that the kids in his class are starting to call his name, like the teacher, when he is doing something wrong.  They hear her correct him when he interrupts, tell him to sit still, keep his hands to himself, etc.  She said now the kids will say, "Cameron, you need to keep you hands to yourself and stop bugging me."   Apparantly, this happens often in a day.  Heart.....break.

These kids are only in Kindergarten.  I can't imagine what the poor kid will face when he is older, already labeled as the "problem" child.

Back to the last conference with his teacher, she said that at this point, she has tried everything that she can think of, and we both agreed that nothing brought any difference at all.  She said she has done all she can do at this point. 

This is the point when I called Cameron's doctor, to see what I do next.  This is the same doctor that asked me at his Kindergarten physical, "Is he always like this?", as he was observing Cameron standing up, sitting down, jumping, spinning, interrupting....  When I said, "yes, he is full of energy...all the time!", he told me that may be something we need to keep an eye on.  I blew it off at the time, but now I think he was on to something....

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